If you have been suffering with tooth decay and pain, we always try to preserve the health of your teeth. However, if all dental treatments are unsuccessful at resolving tooth pain, disease, or infection, tooth extractions are the final option to preserve the health of your smile. Tooth extractions often have negative stigma, but with modern techniques, it is a straightforward procedure that alleviates your tooth pain and preserve your oral health. If you have been living with persistent tooth pain, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us. Our skilled St. Charles, IL team has been providing patients with minimally invasive tooth extractions for years and are highly experienced at performing safe and predictable procedures.
Preserving the health of your smile is always our priority, and this is sometimes accomplished through tooth extraction. We take all precautionary measures when performing tooth extractions, including ensuring your optimal comfort with sedation options and taking a minimally invasive approach by using modern dental instruments. If your tooth extraction is part of an expose-and-bond process, we can remove the baby tooth and expose the adult tooth so braces can bring it into proper aesthetic and functional position. With our skilled techniques, we are able to provide safe and predictable tooth extractions for a variety of reasons and to ultimately preserve your oral health. You may need a tooth extraction if you have the following oral conditions:
We only perform tooth extractions after your tooth and gums have been fully numbed. Once the treatment site is ready, we gently dislodge and remove the tooth from its socket. During this time, you should feel no pain, but may experience slight pressure as the tooth is being extracted. Some pain and discomfort is expected for the first few days after your procedure, and we will provide at-home instructions to help maximize comfort during your recovery period. If you desire to replace your tooth after an extraction, we provide many solutions, including permanent replacement with dental implants.
Of all our tooth replacement options, dental implants are proven to be the most ideal solution, replacing nearly all the function and beauty of natural teeth. Unlike dental bridges, which require surrounding teeth to be altered, dental implants only replace the extracted tooth, preserving the integrity of the adjacent teeth and the jaw bone in between. By replacing one or more teeth with dental implants, your smile will remain complete and functional long-term!
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525 Tyler Rd, Suite K
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
New Patients: (630) 324-4644
Current Patients: (630) 584-8444
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